Independent Country is a 6-piece band. They play country & western versions of indie classics. As 'The Swede', Simon plays guitar, banjo, mandolin and backing vocals, and is also in charge of recording and mixing. Independent Country have released four albums to date, debuting with Trailerparklife, followed by The True Adventures of Independent Country and singles, Wake Up Boo!, The Further Adventures of Independent Country and The Brassneck e.p. The third album, American Portions, was released in 2021, with covers of US indie and alternative classics, followed by the ep Side Orders. 2022 saw the release of Live Near Winson Green, the band's knowing take on country prison show recordings. The latest release is Chaise Longue ep.
Chaise Longue
2024 ep
Live Near Winson Green
2022 live album
American Portions: Side Orders
2021 ep
American Portions
2021 album
The Brassneck ep
2019 single
The Further Adventures Of...
2018 single
The True Adventures Of...
2018 album
Wake Up Boo!
2018 single
2016 album