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Simon played and recorded with Some Some Unicorn, a large collective of like minded musical magpies under the laid back eye of composer and improviser Shaun Blezard. The band began during Shaun’s time as a New Voice composer with the British Music Collective and pulls in players from across genres that focus on improvisation and experimentation in their work.
The band has featured members of Hugs Bison, Breathing Space, Pere Ubu, Clock DVA, Nico & The Faction, Beats and Pieces Big Band, Roddart, Ripsaw Catfish, Wire Assembly, Inclusion Principle, World of Fox and many more and is never the same twice. They have released two albums and an assortment of oddities.
Live At Iklectik
2017 release of live album launch 31/03/16
2016 album
... And The Golden Periphery
2014 album
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